Specialists in Lease Administration & Tenancy Advisory Services
Tel: 02 8622 4960

Case Studies

APG values the privacy of its clients’ affairs, so client names are not revealed in association with the case studies below. These are true representations of typical benefits we have delivered to clients.

  • APG was able to deliver savings of $6.5 million over the 15 year term of a lease for 27,000 square meters. It achieved these savings by negotiation of terms and a better rental structure at the Agreement to Lease stage on behalf of its client.

  • The reduction in starting market rentals compounded over lease life, with incentives and reduction in rent review pattern saved a client $3.9 million over the term of the lease

  • $2.5 million was saved by successfully disputing a rent review notice from our client’s landlord. A 48% claim was negotiated to 12%, and the saving was compounded over the lease term.

  • A cash saving of $780,000 was achieved by the identification of a surplus bank guarantee. Its return saved our client cash for the balance of the lease term.

  • APG queried a Lessor’s outgoings reconciliation regarding a tenant’s paid installment, and successfully recovered $13,000 for the tenant

  • Negotiated a four month rent free incentive at the commencement of a new five year lease; value was $212,000

  • Savings achieved in outcomes of project delivery disputes during construction and successful delay and rent saving as a result of disputed PC amounted to $235,000

  • $270,000 saved by negotiating reduction in lessor make good cash settlement through negotiation

  • Significant saving through establishment of “condition at commencement” benchmark report, against made good obligations

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